AI Governance and Security: A Roundup of Our Top 10 Articles from 2023

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to rapidly push boundaries across industries, we noticed a healthy appetite for separating hype from reality in 2023’s top articles. From cybersecurity to fintech and healthcare, we tackled pressing issues arising from AI integration. As the year comes to an end, we spotlight the articles that hit home and sparked insightful discussions with our readers.


  1. Our article, Mitigating Bias in Artificial Intelligence: Safeguarding Privacy and Cybersecurity outlined crucial actions like ensuring diverse training data, designing unbiased algorithms, rigorously testing for biases, being transparent about AI systems, and establishing ethical guidelines to safeguard privacy and security as AI becomes further integrated in our lives.

  2. The AI Dilemma: How Artificial Intelligence Empowers Cybercriminals explored the worrying rise of automated, harder-to-detect AI-powered cyberattacks and threats like personalized phishing attempts, deepfakes, stronger botnets, and AI platforms that can discover system vulnerabilities more easily than humans can.

  3. Unleashing the Power of AI in Identifying User and Entity Behavior Anomalies dove into how User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) uses artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor user and entity activities, identify anomalies, and detect potential insider threats.

  4. Our post, 10 Best Strategies to Enhance the Security of AI Systems provided a holistic cybersecurity game plan covering data practices, adversarial robustness, infrastructure and access controls, continuous monitoring and updates, training programs, and more.

  5. The Ethical Challenges of Generative AI analyzed the ethical issues posed by generative AI and discussed how we can get around these with robust security protocols.

  6. The Evolving Role of AI in Supporting the SEC's Regulatory Mission reviewed AI's transformative impact and integration across processes like real-time market surveillance, fraud analysis, risk assessment, investor education via chatbots, streamlined compliance reviews, and predictive data analytics.

  7. In Mastering AI Implementation: A Leadership Guide for Selecting the Right Tools we offered a leadership checklist for vetting AI against metrics like integration with business goals, security standards, explainability, scalability, costs and ROI, compliance adherence, and more during implementation.

  8. The Synergy of Blockchain and AI: A Powerful Duo Transforming the Future highlighted the immense potential of combining blockchain’s benefits around security, transparency, IP protections, and decentralized coordination with AI’s data analysis capabilities, leading to advances across sectors.

  9. AI in Healthcare: Building Public Trust for a Healthier Tomorrow covered how AI is revolutionizing healthcare by offering innovative solutions for patient care, diagnostics, and administrative tasks. We discussed how AI tools can improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, enhance the quality of care, and build trust in AI systems.

  10. Call to Action: Key Insights from Sam Altman's Visit to Washington summarized Altman's perspectives on prominent issues like workforce impact, privacy, international collaboration on standards, ethics, expectations for oversight and auditing mechanisms, and striking a balance between regulation and innovation.


As new frontiers in AI emerge in 2024 and beyond, here’s hoping these conversations serve as guideposts on the road ahead to integrating AI responsibly across all facets of life and work. We look forward to continuing the dialogue together next year!


With AI advancing rapidly, strong governance is key. If this roundup revealed gaps in your organization's governance, security, or competitiveness, let's talk. We craft customized AI roadmaps tailored to your growth goals and risks. Schedule a consultation to get started.


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